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Off season bodybuilding

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Speaking of intensity: the offseason is a time to rest up, but it’s not a time to slack off. Your Guide To Offseason Nutrition Vincent Russo February 04, 2020 • 5 min read Sure it&#39;s fun to bulk, but that extra layer of body fat will have to come off at some point. Agreed, some people can gain @ 8% and others like to be a bit more &#39;puffy&#39;. Every two weeks, replace this superset with 4 sets of leg extensions, 10 reps each set with a &quot;static hold&quot; at the end of each set - the static hold is done by holding the weight in the fully extended position for a 10 count. Take some tips from me as I prepare to enter my first show, after adding 2 stone of drug free lean muscle to my frame in 16 months. The first part in the second video series which follows my show preperation. Me and Stephen run through a few of the poses in preperation for the next club meeting on 6th May, dianabol kaufen ch steroide kaufen wo. 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